Chesapeake Bay Trip 2024

Books and maps are important educational tools, but when students experience a subject in the field, engagement in the learning process increases exponentially. And that’s exactly what happened when North Branch 7th- and 8th-graders traveled to Port Isobel West, May 1-3, to immerse themselves in learning about our watershed and the Bay with representatives of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. While learning about the cultural significance of the waterways and fishing villages, the students explored the waters of the Bay and marshlands surrounding it. Experiencing the beauty and unique habitat of Port Isobel/Tangier Island opened students’ eyes and hearts to the importance of a healthy Bay. And, as the pictures show, it was a lot of fun too! The trip was funded in part by generous donors and by funds generated from the sale of Commonwealth of Virginia Chesapeake Bay license plates.

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