Community activities
- April 28, 2012
Earth Day at NBS
We celebrated Earth Day today and were fortunate to have perfect weather. The Senior class went on a stream watching…Posted in: Academics, Community activities, Early Primary, Earth Day, Juniors, Middle School, Nursery, Primaries, Science, Seasons, Seniors - April 21, 2012
NBS Mini Relay for Life
On Friday, North Branch School participated in an all-school mini Relay for Life to help raise money for cancer research.…Posted in: Community activities, Early Primary, Fund raising, Juniors, Middle School, Nursery, Primaries, Seniors, Volunteering - April 6, 2012
Is he dead? The middle school play
The middle school performed their spring play today in two performances. This year's play was Is he dead? by Mark… - March 31, 2012
Charlotte's interview on WMRA
In case you missed it, here is an interview with Charlotte Zinsser Booth, Head of School, on the radio: Click… - March 26, 2012
A special thank you to APO!
Members of the UVA Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega came to North Branch on Saturday, March 17th and this past…Posted in: Community activities - March 17, 2012
NBS students take three science prizes at KidWind 2012
There will be a more detailed post once I get more information, but I wanted to share this right away.… - March 4, 2012
The audacity to believe
Katrien and the middle school students, inspired by this quote from Martin Luther King, Jr., made a powerful presentation during… - February 12, 2012
Assembly, Friday, February 10th
On Friday, quite a few exciting things happened at assembly. Jessie's Early Primary class shared their book about what they…