Last week was the first partial week of school. The younger group started first on Wednesday the 31st, followed by the older students on Thursday. We have had a wet and rainy start this week, with the remnants of Tropical Storm Lee hovering over the east coast. Hopefully we can start to dry out and enjoy the cooler temperatures on the playground! In Friday’s assembly, all of the classes stood up to be introduced to the school. We have quite a few new students this year, so it was nice for everyone to put names to faces. In the picture below, Krista’s Primary One (1st grade) class gets introduced:

Natasha’s Primary Two (second grade) class was next, and they happily pointed out their drawings that were displayed on the board.

All of North Branch and the Juniors welcome their new teacher, Jess Tucker.

The middle school students (7th and 8th) were last; they were introduced to much cheering.