- May 6, 2018
Senior Play
Charlotte and the Seniors presented two showings of Robin Hood. It was musical, action-packed, and a lot of fun for the cast… - April 6, 2018
Middle School Play
This year Katrien and the Middle School class took on another Don Zolidis production called the Lonely Hearts Club: Now… - December 4, 2017
What is St. George and the Dragon?
Charlotte, Katrien, and Genevieve answer this question in a very entertaining way!Posted in: Plays, St. George and The Dragon - March 31, 2017
Dystopia! The Hungry Maze Game of Divergent Death
This year's Middle School play was a spoof of the Dystopian Future YA fiction that has become so popular, and…Posted in: Middle School, Plays - May 27, 2014
Robin Hood
The Seniors performed the play Robin Hood today. It was full of beautiful music and lots of lively sword-fighting. In… - May 25, 2014
The Donkey Prince
Primary One presented a charming play on Friday: The Donkey Prince. The play, based on a German fairy tale collected… - April 9, 2014
The Princess King – the princes compete!
Here is a clip from the recent middle school play - showing the princes in fierce competition for the crown.… - March 28, 2014
The Princess King
The Middle School presented the play The Princess King yesterday. It was quite funny and very well done. Congratulations to… - March 24, 2014
The Tortoise’s Gift
Primary Two performed a charming play on Friday. They had read the book, by Lari Don, in class, and liked…