The All-School Mile Run, cold weather version

Friday, April 1st was our annual all-school mile run. All students except nursery participate, as well as many of the teachers and parents. The students have been training for the mile for the past several weeks. It was bitterly cold due to a late storm that passed through – but the kids ran, skipped and walked their mile and cheered on their friends. We began with a giant stretching session.

Trying to get warmed up in the chilly wind

The first group to run was the pre-kindergarten through third grade students.

Several parents and teachers ran the mile along with the students

Then the 4th-6th graders ran:

Students ran five laps around the field to complete the mile

The middle school students, along with Katrien and some of the parents, ran a mile on the nearby roads.

Everyone went out to the road to cheer on the incoming middle schoolers
Here they come! The younger students enjoyed watching the big kids run in.
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