BandFair 2023 was a day to remember! Here’s the day in pictures, thanks to Coe Sweet Photography.
Fabulous music and our rock star emcee:
Rock Star Emcee, Michael Donegan
Olivia Coleman
Andy & Aiden Waldeck sing “I Love North Branch”
Primaries joined Joia Wood and her special guest, Mabel
Blair Jones
Mary Gordon Hall
Johnny Clark
Betty Jo Taylor
Dan Dennis
Genevieve Hoover
Lip Sync Fun:
Judges; Smith Coleman, Andrew Stowe, and Genevieve Hoover
Our guest emcee, Jack, on the left
Eleanora was awarded the Golden Microphone!
Congratulating the winner
Fun for children:
Fun for Babies & Toddlers:
Fun for adults (and wolves):
Cake Walk, Silent Auction & Cork Raffle Fun:
Fun in the Rain: