GratiTUdESDAY, 4/24/18

On this #GratiTUdESDAY, we celebrate 25 years of the North Branch Golf Classic. Over the years, this fabulous event has raised well over $100,000 in support of the students of NBS! Many thanks to the pros and crew of Stoney Creek Golf Course at Wintergreen Resort; to David Zunker, Jim Coyner, Brian Dickert, and David Vance, who’ve led this effort; and to all the players and sponsors. There’s still time to register for this Friday’s tournament!

Thank you to this year’s sponsors: Afton Mountain Vineyards, Afton Self Storage, ALC Copies, Becerra Lawncare, Blue Mountain Brewery, Blue Ridge Bucha, Blue Ridge Builders Supply & Home Center, Blue Ridge Getaways, Blue Ridge Life, Creation Appreciation LLC, Dr. Ho’s Humble Pie, East Coast Utility, Fardowner’s, Miracle Homes, Montague, Miller & Company, Mountain Area Realty, Rita & George Nicklas, SVOE, T & N Printing, Tectonics II Ltd, Valley Subaru, Vance Intellectual Property, Mark Varner of Davenport and Company, Wild Wolf Brewing Company, Windridge Landscaping; and in honor of: Elijah Allen, Ava Clark, Wilson Draper, Rysun Ebelherr, Kai & Vlado Garcia-Lorincz, Harrison Hackman, Amory & Maggie Harris, Lilly Hinerman, Erik Hood, Cole Kretsch, Zella Lund, Jack Rooney, Victor Schrider, Amelia & Garrett Simmons, Luke Vance; and in memory of Tom W. Zinsser.

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