Oscar’s Senior Spanish class had an unusual presentation on Friday. The class has been working on a project called El mundo hispano. They have studied the 21 Spanish-speaking countries around the world in addition to the Spanish-speaking population of the United States. Each student researched their assigned country and then made a detailed poster about it. At Friday’s assembly, the class lined up and spoke about their country in Spanish. The middle schoolers in the audience had been assigned twelve different questions about the countries – the questions and answers were both in Spanish. Here are some of the students with their posters:

The presentation was a challenging exercise in spoken Spanish, both for the presenters and the questioners. The senior class is still working on the Power Point presentations about their countries. Next week, the middle schoolers will be posing as non-Spanish speaking weather and news people to practice the negative forms of speech.
Oscar’s Senior class sings the song Palo Bonito from Puerto Rico.
Also at this assembly, Maggie’s Senior science class demonstrated their K’NEX cars from the previous week’s experiments (See the February 13th post for more information on this). The students all showed their cars to the group and talked about their design. Then the top performing cars were demonstrated on the ramp. It was an excellent visual demonstration of how the largest cars or the cars with the most wheels were not necessarily the fastest. In fact, the second fastest car was the smallest!