Here are some things we enjoyed at the January 14th assembly. In the following photo, Katrien and Charlotte hold up a poster the Seniors made to welcome the new year. It depicts Janus, the Roman god of many things including doorways, beginnings and endings. Each of the Seniors showed and described their drawing of wishes for the new year and fond memories of 2010.

We also heard several recorder pieces. The following is the Middle Schoolers and Katrien playing Au clair de la lune, which is a French folk song from the 18th century.
Yesterday’s assembly on January 21st was full of music, Spanish, storytelling and continued discussion of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Oscar’s introduction for his assembly presentation consisted of three or four minutes in Spanish. As I attempted to translate, I watched the students, who seemed to understand everything or most of what Oscar was saying. Perhaps it’s time for some Spanish classes for parents…?

In the next video clip, Charlotte and some of the Junior Twos play a recorder piece. It was the first time the student in the blue shirt had played recorder for an audience!
Regina has been teaching a story telling elective. Each week, one student will share their story. This student had some excellent comic timing!

More from the January 21st assembly soon, the footage of two great choral performances is coming from another camera.