A rainy Band Fair – but there was cake! and singing!

Today was the 8th annual Band Fair at Cardinal Point Winery. Happy people listened to music, sampled wine and visited while the kids were feasting on cupcakes and ice cream, playing soccer and running through the woods. Older kids roamed in groups, trying out different art projects and food booths and visiting the student art show. This year’s silent auction was very busy. Items donated ranged from organic pillows to pool memberships to handmade butter dishes. There was also a kids-only auction which was met with unanimous approval. The items were set at small amounts so that kids could get into bidding wars too!

The sky sent down a lot of rain, but luckily we had one giant tent and several smaller ones, so everyone (who wanted to) stayed dry. A really wet, really happy black Labrador wandering around added to the general air of festivity.

The musical lineup began with our own Gwynne Wood and The Civilians.

We also enjoyed music from Greg Howard (I had never heard of The Chapman Stick before – it was an amazing performance!), Josh Mayo, Hobo Jac and Naughty Dynamic and the Design. On behalf of the North branch community, THANK YOU, MUSICIANS, for coming out and playing music to support our school. We enjoyed all of it and really appreciated the gift of your presence. THANK YOU to Cardinal Point Winery for hosting Band Fair and providing support.

Excitement at the coffee booth
Yarn flowers were the first craft of the day
At the face painting station
A handlebar mustache and a cupcake cake, what more could you ask for?
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