Wish List

 Did you know that tuition and fees monies go towards salaries?  That means that EVERYTHING ELSE is funded through donations. The Annual Fund pays for basic needs – heat, lights, internet, insurance, copier, telephone, etc. – so that does not leave much leftover for “extras.” Your purchase of or donation of money towards any of these would make a BIG difference for our students and teachers.  Our shipping address is:

North Branch School, 221 Mickens Road, Afton, VA  22920.

If you have questions, please contact Bonnie Holliday, Development Director, giving@nbsva.org or 434-989-2447.


Early Primary:

Primary Blue:


Seniors and Middle School:

All School:

Reach for the Stars – named opportunities:

  • Endowed chair to cover one teacher salary – $1,000,000
  • Large pavilion/classroom structure  – $1,500,000