NBS will be closed on Thursday, February 20, due to inclement weather.

Overview of Funds

North Branch School is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization.  Tuition pays for teachers salaries and benefits; that leaves many necessary items and programs in need of funding.  We gratefully accept contributions for:

  • Annual Fund, covering operating expenses for the school Please consider a monthly gift. It’s easy to set up from the “Make a Donation” button.
  •  Founder’s Fund, honoring Charlotte’s legacy of accessibility for families through needs-based assistance.
  • Grandparents Fund, honoring North Branch grandchildren – a subset of the Annual Fund
  • Financial Assistance Fund, providing needs-based assistance for approximately 40% of our families
  • Naomi Scherr Memorial Scholarship Fund, honoring the memory of a former North Branch student who, along with her father, was a victim of the 2008 Mumbai attacks.
  • Thomas W. Zinsser Memorial Fine Arts Fund, supporting music, art, drama, and movement classes for every North Branch student
  • Endowment Fund, providing a foundation for the future
  • Canopy Society, remembering North Branch School when making your estate plans

North Branch School also gratefully accepts gifts of stock and gifts-in-kind.

You  may give to North Branch School by pressing the “Donate” button to make a secure PayPal donation, sending a check to North Branch School, 221 Mickens Road, Afton, VA  22920, or you can Venmo us @NorthBranchSchool.  If you have questions or need help in deciding which fund you would like to support, please contact Development Director, Bonnie Holliday, 540-456-8450.

The Naomi Scherr Memorial Scholarship Fund provides needs-based support for families annually. Preference is given to Nelson County residents.