
Every day at North Branch preschool (or nursery) is a unique mix of indoor and outdoor experiences. Our lovely, light-filled nursery classroom has a large wooden loft for imaginative indoor play and reading. The room has a separate door to the outside, allowing nursery students the opportunity to play on the deck, playground or in the classroom. Students spend their mornings engaged in circle time, reading, bread baking, music, singing, art, gardening, dress-up, hand-works and other age-appropriate activities. Our academic goals for this age include literacy activities, number concepts, science lessons and social development in a group setting. NBS preschoolers also have special weekly activities, such as yoga and treasure hunts. We also do seasonal activities, such as Color Week and the popular Vehicle Week (everyone brings in their trikes or bikes for special riding games and activities).

At North Branch, we work to foster true friendships between children of varied ages. On Tuesdays, “Book Buddy” teams pair older and younger students for weekly reading and the opportunity to forge a special relationship. The nursery students will often eagerly search out their Book Buddy on the playground or during lunch. Book Buddies also pair up during special school events, providing the younger students with a trusted guide.

A sample daily schedule: 8:30-9am – Arrival 8:30-9:45 – Choosing time and free play 9:45-10:00 – Clean-up 10-10:30 – Snack 10:30-10-:45 – Group Problem Solving 10:45-11:30 – Outside 11:30-12pm – Circle Time 12-12:30 – Lunch 12:30 – Pick-up

The North Branch preschool program is licensed by the Virginia Department of Social Education. Our teacher-student ratio is 8:1. North Branch begins accepting students for enrollment at 2 years, 9 months.