Oct. 19 - Music Makers' Evening at Rapunzel's, 5:30 - 8:30

Listen to NBS Singers on Z95.1 on Wednesday, December 7

A group of 18 singers, led by NBS teacher Katrien Vance, entered this year’s “Christmas Idol” contest on local radio station Z95.1 .  You can hear their rendition of “Ding-A-Ding” by Greg Gilpin on Wednesday, December 7 at 7:15 am.  You can also vote any time that day (and as many times as you like) by going to the Z95 website and clicking on NBS’s link, or by using this direct link:  http://literockz951.com/pages/11643624.php? .  You might hear us again at 12:15 and 4:15 that day.  Our “page” will be open for voting all that day, from 7 am to midnight.

The group of singers, from the Seniors and Middle School at NBS, met once or twice after school for about 3 weeks to prepare the song.  They sing it a cappella, and Katrien was very proud of the way they learned their interweaving parts.  “At one point in the song,” she says, “there are actually 5 things going on, and the kids were great about keeping their part going, with no accompaniment to help them.  That’s pretty unusual for singers this age!”  She noted,”They also had a great time, both practicing and recording the song, and I’m sure it will be fun for them to hear themselves on the radio.”  George Staten, an NBS parent, recorded the song using the school’s computer and “Garage Band” software.

Other schools’ entries will play throughout the next two weeks; NBS is the only Nelson County school represented, and one of only three entries that includes elementary-aged singers.

All of the entries will be played again on December 16, the “Grand Finale” day, and you can vote again on that grand finale day.  (You can vote as many times as you want.) Anyone from anywhere can vote by going to the website, so tell long-distance friends and grandparents to get in on the contest, too!  When you reach the NBS page in the contest, you can also hear the song, so folks who cannot get Z 95 can hear the song whenever they go to the website.  BUT YOU CAN VOTE FOR NBS ONLY ON WEDNESDAY AND THE GRAND FINALE DAY.  NO OTHER DAY’S VOTES WILL COUNT FOR NBS.

The winning entry will receive $1000 from Stacy’s Music for their music program.

We hope you’ll tune in and hear our NBS singers, and vote if you like!

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