Oct. 19 - Music Makers' Evening at Rapunzel's, 5:30 - 8:30

Learning Cycle 11-30-20 to 1-15-21

UPDATED: 1/4/21

From the NBS Board of Trustees:

The plan for our next learning cycle, Thanksgiving through Winter Break and into early January, is complicated by the holidays, times when people may be traveling or visiting with families.  Based on current metrics and on recommendations from the Board’s advisory committee (informed by CDC recommendations), the NBS schedule will be:

Thanksgiving Break begins after classes on Friday November 20

Monday November 30 – Wednesday December 9:  ALL classes virtual.

Thursday December 10 – Friday December 18:  Resume current in person/hybrid schedule, with Middle School full time in person on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

Monday December 21 – Sunday January 3:  Winter Break

Monday January 4 – Friday January 15:  ALL classes virtual

Monday January 18: School closed in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Tuesday January 12: Announcement about January 19th learning cycle

The virtual class time after holidays allows teachers and families to quarantine for ten days in and around holidays.  The CDC recommends 10 days for possible exposure (people who were at gatherings) and 14 days of quarantine if there is a known exposure. If an exposure is known by the local health district, contact tracers would take over and specify when quarantine is over.

As always, when we are in our hybrid plan families may move between virtual, hybrid, and (for Middle School) full in person options based on their individual circumstances.

We know that the current hybrid options, some with split morning/afternoon schedules, are difficult for families.  The Board and staff are looking carefully at various possibilities to bring more cohorts of children back to campus for full in person schedules – stay tuned!

The plan outlined above covers Thanksgiving through mid-January.  Based on metrics and on recommendations from the Board’s advisory committee, the Board will announce plans in mid-January for the learning cycle beginning in late January.

Remember that for all in-person schooling, we expect to remain outdoors for much of the day.  Please make sure your children have appropriate clothing for the weather.

We look forward to continuing to see your children at North Branch!


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