November Learning Cycle Announced

Based on metrics and recommendations from the Board’s advisory committee, our plan for the November learning cycle, November 5-November 20 (the start of Thanksgiving break), is for all classes except Middle School to continue with their current hybrid schedule.

Beginning November 2, Middle School students may attend in person for the full school day on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.  Because of physical space and the ability of older students to maintain social distance and masking guidelines, we are moving to full in person school days starting November 2nd for our Middle School cohort.

As in October, families may move between virtual, hybrid, and (for Middle School) full in person options based on their individual circumstances.

Based on metrics and recommendations from the Board’s advisory committee, the Board will announce plans for the post-Thanksgiving through December period in mid-November.

Two reminders:
– No classes on November 3-4 – virtual parent teacher conferences.  
– For all in-person schooling, we expect to remain outdoors for much of the day.  Please make sure your children have appropriate clothing for the weather.

We look forward to continuing to see your children at North Branch!

         The North Branch School Board

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