Oct. 19 - Music Makers' Evening at Rapunzel's, 5:30 - 8:30

This sombrero? Es mio!

Last Friday, one of our usual tasks (sorting out the lost and found) was made very entertaining by Oscar. He brought the overflowing box out and went through them in Spanish, after coaching the students on how to say something was theirs: “Es mio.” After demonstrating by “finding” a red ski jacket and an over-sized sombrero of his own, Oscar went through the items in Spanish. The students really enjoyed doing this regular task in a different language!

Several children in Natasha’s Primary II class have done some very detailed drawings in their journals lately. They spend part of each morning working on journals in the Primary grades to improve writing, grammar and drawing skills. Here are some of the students showing the assembly their very intricate drawings.

The colorful journals
Another look at the Spanish posters and K'NEX cars from past assemblies

Last, one of our long-time substitutes was in last week and brought her dulcimer. Several of the older students had the opportunity to try it. The student in this next video was trying it for only the second time ever!

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