Oct. 19 - Music Makers' Evening at Rapunzel's, 5:30 - 8:30

GratiTUdESAY (on a Wednesday), 11/29/17

The North Branch community is generous and caring and rocked #GivingTuesday! Thank you!! The contributions started coming in yesterday at 5AM and the last one arrived at 11:55PM.  North Branch received 84 gifts, pledges, and matching donations totaling $13,461!!!!  The gifts ranged in size from $5 to $2,000 and the givers ranged in age from 16 to 80+. Gifts came from parents, grandparents, alums, board members, staff members, and friends of the school. Two graduating classes, ’93 and ’99, had 100% participation for the day.

WHY is giving to North Branch important on #GivingTuesday or any day of the year?  This one-minute video reminds us that it is all about the students.

Many thanks to NBS parent and videographer, Monica Bautista, for creating the #GivingTuesday video series, to our 6 anonymous matching donors, to the folks at LockN’ Festival for donating a pair of tickets as incentive for the day (our lucky winner in the random drawing was Lindsay Franklin!), and most of all to YOU for supporting the amazing work the students and teachers of NBS accomplish together every day.

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