Workday on February 8, 9 AM - 3 PM. Join us!

NBS Stands Against Racism

A Statement from the North Branch School Board of Trustees Denouncing Racism

We at North Branch School have watched in grief and dismay the most recent in our country’s ongoing series of deaths of African Americans at the hands of law enforcement officials, as well as the eruptions of frustration that the same thing we have seen too many times before has happened yet again.  We deplore the systemic racism that permeates our society.  All of us are called in these difficult moments to stand together against racism, and to work together for permanent solutions that protect every single person.

North Branch School is dedicated to fostering diversity, respect for one another, and the unique value of each person.  As a school we value talking about race and about the voices not heard in history; kindness and empathy are all frequent topics for our teachers. We know we can always do more.  In this moment of sadness and pain, we urge you all to take an active role in creating change so that all of us – families, teachers, children – can and will create positive change in the world.

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