NBS 8th grader receives award

RheannonColorofWaterCongratulations to NBS 8th grader, Rheannon Loth, who was one of 4 students out of 1,248 entries to receive a state-wide honorable mention in Virginia in the Letters about Literature contest. Rheannon wrote a letter to James McBride, author of The Color of Water. In one part of her letter, Rheannon wrote: “Before reading your book, I was painfully ignorant of issues regarding food for families and of discrimination against minority groups. I am accustomed to having  a full pantry and fridge with a generous selection, and it struck me as kind of crazy that you could write with such grace and beautiful language about how your family was always hungry or how you and your siblings battled for food. It really refreshed my sense of the world, pushing my brain to think about how even people in the United States struggle with hunger every day.”

Rheannon joins North Branch alums, Patrick Corwin ’09, Audrey Wood ’12, and Jay Rothenberger ’13 in being recognized for their exemplary writing in the Letters About Literature contest.

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