Music, math, and enormous fun on Friday

For assembly on Friday, September 26, each age group was able to share something special. The middle schoolers delighted the group playing two songs they prepared with Katrien, while the Juniors and Seniors also got in on the act with “Hot Cross Buns” and the German folksong “The Cuckoo.” We also got to see the final survey results which revealed dogs as the favorite animal and winter as the favorite season of the North Branch community. Natasha’s Primary II students were so inspired by last week’s graph presentations that they paired off and conducted surveys of their own. Some of the results revealed a preference for Florida over Arizona and a majority of families have 4 members. Rounding out the fun were Stuart’s Juniors reading group reciting John Updike’s “September” and the debut performance of Early Primary with “One Elephant Went out to Play.”

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