NBS will be closed on February 17, 18, & 19 for February Break.

Science Fair, Assembly, and gifts from The Wintergreen Nature Foundation

Lots of things have been happening at North Branch. On Wednesday, the 7th and 8th graders were at The Virginia Piedmont Regional Science Fair all day. North Branch students came away with six honorable mentions! Congratulations to everyone for their effort and hard work, on all of the projects. Friday’s assembly was very busy: the middle school students presented their science fair projects, the Juniors recited a poem and Oscar’s Spanish 8 group shared the wonderful Spanish childrens’ books that were the result of hours writing and illustrating. We also discussed Pi Day. Last, but by no means least, Emily Pudliner of The Wintergreen Nature Foundation presented us with lovely and generous gifts for classroom activities, such as a solar fan for the greenhouse and equipment for hatching chicks. Thank you so much!

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