Recently, NBS Middle Schoolers have been honored with several local and state awards.
7th grader Audrey Wood won the Level II (7th and 8th grade) 1st place award for all of Virginia in the “Letters about Literature” Contest sponsored by the Library of Congress. Her letter will go on to national judging this spring. Audrey wrote to J.M. Barrie about the impact Peter Pan has had on her family’s life. She was asked to read her award-winning letter at the Opening Ceremony for the Virginia Festival of the Book this past week. Here is a link to pictures of that event:
8th graders Tess Kendrick and Lawson Johnson earned 1st place in their divisions in the Piedmont Regional Science Fair, held on March 15 at JPJ. Their projects now have the potential to go on to national judging in Washington, DC; the state will winnow the 300 state winners down to 30. Lawson’s project also earned the Air Force Award at the Science Fair.
7th graders Audrey Wood and Dalton Tipler and 8th graders Ben Chambers and Louise Ferrall all earned Honorable Mention at the Piedmont Regional Science Fair.
We are very proud of our students and of their teachers Maggie Buchanan, Jebb Cuthbert, and Katrien Vance, who helped guide them to these honors.