On Friday, the school met for the first assembly of the new year. Early Primary recited a poem from St. George, we listened to a presentation about an elective, November and December birthdays were honored and Jebb gave the school a wonderful present!

This next picture is of the wonderful month banners used during St. George. I couldn’t get a good picture of them during the play, so here they are in all their glory.

Boaz Curry El, who was at our December craft fair with some wonderful pipe cleaner action figures called Gamaloks, came in to talk about an upcoming elective. He will be teaching ages five and up how to make their own Gamaloks! Students asked him a lot of questions about the figures he has been making since he was five years old. Questions varied from “How many pipe cleaners did it take to build your big white dragon?” to “What kind of flame do you use to melt the pipe cleaners?” to general statements such as “My mom bought me one of those for Christmas.” The Gamalok elective will be on Tuesdays after school starting January 18th – students will learn to construct their own unique action figures. Call Cleo at school for more information if you are interested, 456-8450.

At the end of assembly, Jebb, our math teacher and soccer coach, came out with a giant bag. She told us that instead of giving Christmas presents to the teachers and students, she had decided to give the whole school a collective present. You can see in the following video how endearingly EXCITED the students were about her presents. Thank you Jebb!