Assembly, October 26

On Friday, the students had so many things to share that assembly ran over by ten minutes. We traveled from the Paleozoic era to Australia, heard some Halloween poems, and saw how Oscar is teaching our students to be bilingual.

Here are the Juniors singing Kookaburra. An interesting tidbit from Wikipedia: “Kookaburras are best known for their unmistakable call, which sounds uncannily like loud, echoing human laughter – good-natured, but rather hysterical, merriment in the case of the renowned Laughing Kookaburra; and maniacal cackling in the case of the slightly smaller Blue-winged Kookaburra.”

Jon’s Senior class shared their weeks-long project of learning about the earth’s geologic time periods. They created wonderful murals and a newspaper for each era that they studied.

Natasha’s second grade shared two Halloween poems:

And Oscar (I mean, Señor Cardenas) helped his students learn proper Spanish introductions. This is a short clip of some of the younger students introducing themselves:

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