NBS will be closed on February 17, 18, & 19 for February Break.

Words are Seeds

“Words are like seeds and where they fall
They leave their mark on one and all
When you plant words that show you care
You grow kindness everywhere”

During assembly on September 16th, students learned the song “Words are Seeds,” with music and lyrics written by Chorus & Middle School teacher Katrien. As part of North Branch’s mission to foster respect, being aware of what you are saying and how your words might feel to another person is an important part of the school day. After learning the song, the students worked in Book Buddy pairs to illustrate their answers to the question: Words are seeds: what will you grow? The simple, powerful image of words as seeds was interpreted in different ways by the pairs of children; however, they all created vibrant visual reminders to choose their words with care. The song and illustrations will be touchstones as we move through the year with kindness.   (Complete lyrics to “Words are Seeds” and photos below.)

Words are Seeds
by Katrien Vance

[one-half-first]I planted a seed today
But I didn’t plant it in the usual way
A garden usually takes a while
But with a kind word I got an instant smile

I planted a seed at lunch
There were lots of kids sitting in a great big bunch
And one kid sitting all the way at the end
I said, “Come join us!” and I grew a friend

CHORUS: Words are like seeds and where they fall
They leave their mark on one and all
When you plant words that show you care
You grow kindness everywhere[/one-half-first]
[one-half]I planted a seed today
I spoke to my friend in a not-nice way
I goofed up and hurt my friend’s feeling
I planted an “I’m sorry,” and our friendship started healing


I planted a seed today
But I didn’t plant it in the usual way
I planted my words to make a place that’s fun
For you and me and him and her and everyone

The words you say are the seeds you sow
You get to choose what your grow
So remember this song and all the stories you’ve heard
You can change the world when you plant your words

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