Learning Cycle Jan 19-Feb 17

Dear North Branch Families,

As we are sure you are all aware, the local, regional, and national COVID numbers are high, far above our stated metric of 5% positivity rate, and the numbers continue to rise at alarming rates.

Therefore, we will continue with virtual learning for the cycle beginning on Tuesday January 19, 2021 and running through February 17.

On February 10 we will announce plans for the learning cycle beginning February 18.  However, unless there is a dramatic (and unexpected) decline in numbers, families should be aware that we are likely to remain virtual for the February cycle as well.

On a more positive note, we are pleased that the Governor has included teachers in group 1b for vaccinations.  NBS has received forms from the Health Department to register our staff to receive the vaccine when group 1b inoculations begin.

The Board wanted to share with you a letter from North Branch parent and member of the Advisory Committee, Molly Malloy. We appreciate her input on the committee and her thoughts as a parent.  To Whom It May Concern

Best wishes to all for good health in the New Year,  The NBS Board  



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