Oct 4: Friday Coffee; Oct. 5: Parent Workday; Oct 5, 6, 12, 13, 14: NBS Days at the Maze

2020-2021 Outdoor Learning

We love the outdoors at North Branch School. Throughout the years, many of our classes met outside, and during the 2020-2021 school year, this will happen more than ever. We have lots of space to spread out, and we are creating more special spots to go along with our outdoor stage, outdoor class space at the head of the Nature Trail, picnic tables, and field. In mid-August, there a tent with a circus stripe roof will be set up on our playing field thanks to our friends and neighbors of the Batesville Ruritan Club.  Our students and teachers have lots of practice with fresh air learning, and they are ready to put this to good use this coming school year. 


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