NBS Offers Math Camp for Summer 2014

                                       3 One-Week Math Camps

                                                             with Katrien at NBS this summer

                                                                        for rising 5th – 8th graders

  •  Skill practice
  • Hands-on units
  • Practice with or preparation for Pre-Algebra  (Lessons tailored to the abilities of the campers)

Morning Sessions, 9 am – 12 noon

  1. June 23 – 27: “Roads and Ramps” – Slopes, angles, ramps – measuring, calculating, building models. Includes Geometry, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Trigonometry– all made understandable through real-world exploration.
  2. July 21 – 25: “Chance Encounters” – Games! Dice games, card games, flipping coins, spinning spinners—what are the chances of winning? We’ll create our own games and predict the outcomes, then play them and see if our predictions come true. Includes ratios, proportions, probability, and fabulous practice with decimals and percentages.
  3. August 11 – 15: “Shapes and Space” – 2 and 3-dimensional shape exploration, deriving the formulas for area, volume, and surface area by building, filling, covering, and measuring geometric solids. Hands-on geometry galore!

Afternoon Sessions, 12:30 – 3:30 pm

            All 3 Weeks: “Bootstrap” Coding Camp –Students will write their own code for a simple video game, which they can then play and share with friends and family. This is a great introduction to the world of coding and Algebra. No laptop required.

1 morning session: $100 (You can sign up for 1, 2, or all 3. They are independent units.)

1 afternoon session: $100 (Students need to take Bootstrap only once. However, there are ways to expand on a game, and students who have completed Bootstrap and want to attend a second afternoon session to keep working on their game may do so.)

Both in the same week: $175

To register, please contact Katrien by May 27, at MsOrion@gmail.com or call 434-823-5717.

Katrien has 27 years experience teaching, most of them with students aged 11-14.  She loves making math understandable, fun, and new for students, ad enjoys finding the right approach for each individual student.  She has taught all of this material before as part of NBS’s regular curriculum and is excited to offer it in this new format.

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