Workday on February 8, 9 AM - 3 PM. Join us!

The Juniors go back in time

The Juniors have been studying American historical figures such as John Hancock, Betsy Ross, Abigail Adams, Thomas Jefferson and more. On Friday, they had a Colonial Banquet with foods from the era. All of the Juniors dressed up as a person of their choosing and shared what they had learned in their research. Thanks so much to Stuart for these pictures! Click on any picture for a larger view. I was unfamiliar with several of the women represented here – below are some links that describe their role in history.

Phyllis Wheatley was both the second published African-American poet and first published African-American woman.

Molly Pitcher was a nickname given to a woman said to have fought in the American Battle of Monmouth, who is generally believed to have been Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley.

Nancy Ward was a Beloved Woman of the Cherokee, which means that she was allowed to sit in councils and to make decisions, along with the chiefs and other Beloved Women.

Sybil Ludington became famous for her night ride on April 26, 1777 to alert American colonial forces to the approach of the British. Her action was similar to that allegedly performed by Paul Revere, though she rode more than twice the distance of Revere and was only 16 years old at the time of her action.

Deborah Sampson was an American woman who disguised herself as a man in order to serve in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War.

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