NBS will be closed on February 17, 18, & 19 for February Break.

Grandparent's Day and Dedication of the Annex

Thank you to Stephanie Gross, one of our parents, for providing these photos.

Grandparents took tours of classrooms and got a chance to see their grandchildren’s work.

A Primary II students shows off his journal.
A Primary II student shows off his journal.
Taking a tour of the new Spanish classroom
Taking a tour of the new Spanish classroom
After the tours, everyone enjoyed a special assembly
After the tours, everyone enjoyed a special assembly
Natasha's class singing "Mail Myself to You"
Natasha's class singing "Mail Myself to You"
North Branch received a wonderful clock for the annex
Yale Landsberg (l) presented North Branch with a wonderful Circadian clock. Eric Thompson (r) helped work on the annex
North Branch
Seniors and Middle Schoolers sing a song for our visitors

North Branch
Jaime Marion, Tommy Harvey, Charlotte Zinsser Booth and Jim Gates (contractor for the project) prepare for the ribbon-cutting ceremony

After all that, everyone got to have some of the annex-shaped cake made by Deana and Brad Tipler. Thank you so much to everyone who worked hard to make the annex a reality!

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